Hunter’s Springs

Hunter Springs Park boasts a restored shoreline that benefits the Crystal River/Kings Bay spring system by creating natural habitats and improving water quality through the reduction of erosion and nutrients entering Kings Bay.

The previous shoreline at Hunter Springs Park contained a degraded bulkhead. Bulkheads and seawalls are often used to stabilize shorelines, yet they reduce the shoreline’s ability to carry out natural processes, can increase the rate of erosion and provide little habitat for the regenerating of organic and indigenous flora and fauna.  

This is the areas first “living shoreline” in a spring system. A living shoreline is an innovative and eco-conscious approach to stabilize banks. It mimics a natural habitat and uses native vegetation and fill materials such as limestone rock and sand. Living shorelines have been very successful in salt marshes across the country, including in Tampa and Sarasota Bays.  “The shoreline renewal spearheaded by multiple communities and environmental activists has also replenished the food supply of creatures large and small including the fat and happy Manatees, opines Michael Corcoran, Park’s Supervisor, City of Crystal River.

A variety of native plants such as sawgrass and needle rush were installed to create a wetland habitat, and eelgrass was planted in the water along the restored shoreline. Vegetation helps hold soil in place to slow erosion, filter pollution, add habitat and provide a more visually appealing shoreline.

Address18 NE 2nd St, Crystal River, FL 34429 Phone(352) 697-0933

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